Hey!look here =)



if not today..maybe tomorrow, i still have a chance...if not today...maybe tomorrow there will be something for me...itu la yang selalu dalam kepala aku..being too positive can do any harm??....well...it is!...arrgghhhh!!!! I want and I dont want~...ngiahahahahaha.....dont be soooooooo selfish nisa!...dont be....erm.....

ok..jangan cuba tafsir apa yang aku tulis di atas tu...itupun kalau ada siapa2 yang cuba la kan...sebab u will think that i am crazy....which i am.erm.......

anything sweet story to be shared??...

erm....refresh kejap...ohya...i slept 4am this morning..and before that i sent SMS to him told him that please wake me up nanti just in case i'll oversleep coz i have exam this morningggggg...soooooo....this morning i woke up 6.40am...mandi,bersiap and all that..i forgot to msg him that i already in exam hall...too busy discussing about last minute spot questions...
as the exam was about to start...i want to switch off my hp.....rupa2nya i got 6 miscall..it was him la nih..aduiii....maybe he thought i still in my bed...tak bangun2....
just now my roomate,Kak nik told me...Aswad call tadii...dia tanya nisa mana..call xangkat2...
hahahahaha...rupa2nya...he even called my roomate ler....huhuuuu....u r so romantic la...ada orang dah jeles neh....serius...i should feel lucky kan...yes i am...LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wayar putus!bye2!

3 komen masuk:

hasni berkata...

haiya...aku jeles ke?x
aku xjeles
aku seyes!!!!hahaha
apa kaitan aku jeles ke x ni?
aku xfhm aku xfhm..abaikan komen ini nees

@Fr!^n@ berkata...

saya jeless..
heee.. sebab dulu2 je ade org kejut.. now da takde.. heee
camner exam? ok tak?

neesa_jun berkata...

hehe...exam so far ok.... hugss..

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