It has been awhile since i update my been soooooo sooooooo busy.Yahoo!! Well, eventhough there are so many things happen in my life right now..there still a moment where i feel im alone which literally i all alone in my room staring at the blank white wall...thinking how would it be if friends, family, lover around me right now...and my mind start to i ready for future? i ready to do the task? i ready to settle down? many things running through my head but physically im stoned on my bed...
Every soul in this world wants to be happy?...dont u think?..i, myself wants to be happy all the time..i once thought if i buy gadgets that i wanted for so long...i will be happier than ever...i got better things to do...but when i got all these gadgets in my hands...the feeling is still the i ungreatful??...astaghfirullah.....
At the hardly define happiness for myself.gosh!im pretty messup!
smile!im okay~