Hey!look here =)


Missing someone

its 3.27am in the morning...mata dah mula ngantuk...mo tidur dah ni...ohya...sekarang hujan nih...ngantuk+hujan+sejuk+rindu pada dia...best tidur ni kan.....i miss him so much....if he sleep rite now...hope he dream of me....if he still awake...hope he think of me....wah..tamaknya kan....its nothing to compare coz im always remember him....always.....macam orang sasau pun ada....but...teringat pesan sahabat...Allah should be first and foremost...hey...im not that good..but im trying to be one...hardly...........
hope he is doing fine there....amin.....

2 komen masuk:

hasni berkata...

jiwangnya dia

@Fr!^n@ berkata...

so shuwweet of u neesa...
chumel bangett...
pat2 kawen..;)
dapat anak chumel, soleh n pndai cam kamoo..;)

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